COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT for retail logistics supervisors
- 1 February 2023–31 January 2025
- Section 1 Scope of the agreement
- Section 2 Employment contract
- Section 3 Terms and conditions of employment
- Section 4 Notice period
- Section 5 Wages
- Section 6 Miscellaneous regulations
- Section 7 Disputes
- Section 8 Industrial peace and breaches of the collective agreement
- Section 9 Validity of the agreement
- ATTACHMENTS to the Collective Agreement for Retail Logistics Supervisors
This in an English translation of the original Finnish collective agreement. The contractual parties to the collective agreement are not bound by the English translation. If the English translation allows for a different interpretation than the original Finnish wording, the Finnish wording shall prevail. The contractual parties to the collective agreement are not responsible for any damage resulting from possible errors in the translation.
Tämä on käännös suomenkielisestä työehtosopimuksesta. Työehtosopimuksen sopijaosapuolet eivät ole sopineet englanninkielisestä työehtosopimustekstistä. Mikäli englanninkielisen käännöksen tulkinta johtaa erilaiseen lopputulokseen kuin alkuperäinen suomenkielinen työehtosopimus, tulee noudattaa suomenkielistä työehtosopimusta. Työehtosopimuksen sopijapuolet eivät vastaa käännöksen mahdollisista virheellisyyksistä aiheutuvista vahingoista.
1 February 2023–31 January 2025
Section 1 Scope of the agreement
- This agreement applies to retail logistics supervisors aged 18 or over.
- A retail logistics supervisor is a person who does not regularly take part in the
work of the people he/she is managing.
Section 2 Employment contract
The written employment contract shall include the minimum details specified in the pro forma agreement in this collective agreement.
Section 3 Terms and conditions of employment
The terms and conditions of employment of retail logistics supervisors are determined in accordance with the provisions applying to logistics workers in the Collective Agreement for the Commerce Sector, with the exceptions set out below.
Section 4 Notice period
- The employer shall comply with the notice period stated in Section 5, Clause 1 of the Collective Agreement for the Commerce Sector:
- The supervisor shall comply with the notice period stated in Section 5, Clause 2 of the Collective Agreement for the Commerce Sector:
- By way of derogation from clauses 1 and 2, the notice period for both parties can be set at one month by agreement.
If the employer’s notice period in accordance with clause 1 is longer than the one-month notice period agreed on the basis of this section, the employer must comply with the longer notice period.
Section 5 Wages
Job requirement grades
1. The job requirement grades for retail logistics supervisors are:
- Retail logistics supervisor I
- Retail logistics supervisor II
- Retail logistics supervisor III
A retail logistics supervisor I is a supervisor:
- who manages work indirectly as the supervisor of the supervisors of subordinates
- whose duties include other responsibilities than managing work
The wage of a retail logistics supervisor I is determined by agreement.
A retail logistics supervisor II is a supervisor:
- who manages work and subordinates with the help of foremen and forewomen
- whose subordinates do not include retail logistics supervisors
- who works as the immediate supervisor of employees
- whose job requirements and responsibility are comparable to those used for the subordinate retail logistics supervisor
- whose duties include other responsibilities than managing work
- who is required to handle and take responsibility for practical and functional duties in his/her operating area
A retail logistics supervisor III is a supervisor:
- who directly manages work and subordinates
- who temporarily participates in the work of his/her subordinates
- whose work includes handling and taking responsibility for practical and functional duties that differ from ordinary work
- who works as the person in charge of part of a warehouse or the person who organises haulage when the duties involve special responsibility, experience and skills
- who works as the person in charge of part of a warehouse or as a transportation supervisor, taking care of a warehouse or transportation by item group or geographically specified parts or sub-functions of a warehouse
In extraordinary circumstances, a person may be in charge of part of a warehouse or act as a transportation supervisor when the person does not have any subordinates, providing that his/her work otherwise corresponds to the work of the person concerned.
The pay scale rates for the retail logistics supervisor II and retail logistics supervisor III grades are set out in the wage annex.
The supervisor’s wages must be higher than those of his/her subordinates unless there are justified grounds for deviating from this. The employer and the supervisor shall annually discuss the remuneration and the bases for determining remuneration.
2. A retail logistics supervisor III is paid a bonus (workteam foreman’s bonus) in accordance with Section 13, Clause 10 of the Collective Agreement for the Commerce Sector when he/she participates in the same work for which his/her subordinates are paid the corresponding bonus. This provision shall be in force until 31 December 2023.
3. The wage is increased by 20% for work done in the morning before 6 am.
4. A person who has completed a vocational qualification that is relevant to the position shall immediately be deemed a third-year clerical employee on the pay scale.
Call-out pay
5. Call-out pay shall be paid when a supervisor comes to work to deal with an emergency outside of regular working hours.
Call-out pay shall amount to 2 hours’ pay in addition to the wages payable for the emergency work done.
Call-out pay shall also be paid if:
- notification is made before the end of the regular working hours
- the regular working hours end at or before 4 pm
- the supervisor returns to work overtime, and the overtime begins after 9 pm
Section 6 Miscellaneous regulations
Applicable agreements
1. As part of the Collective Agreement for Retail Logistics Supervisors, the agreements made in Section 25 of the Collective Agreement for the Commerce Sector shall apply.
2. The employer shall acquire uniforms for permanent supervisors if the supervisors’ working duties so require.
The employer shall look after the uniform unless otherwise agreed with the supervisor for extra remuneration.
Supervisors’ shop steward
3. The supervisors may elect a shop steward from among their number.
The Agreement on Shop Stewards, which forms part of the Collective Agreement for the Commerce Sector, shall apply to shop stewards in accordance with Clause 1.
Supervisors’ labour protection delegate
4. Supervisors may elect their own labour protection delegate and two deputies to the labour protection delegate from among their number.
The Labour Protection Co-operation Agreement, which forms part of the Collective Agreement for the Commerce Sector, shall apply to labour protection delegates in accordance with Clause 1.
Section 7 Disputes
Local grievance procedure
1. Disputes arising from the collective agreement shall be negotiated initially between the employer and the supervisor or between the employer and the shop steward.
2. If no settlement can be reached, a memorandum of the dispute shall be prepared in duplicate, corresponding to the template in this collective agreement.
Inter-federation negotiations
3. The local parties may refer a dispute to the federations for settlement.
Negotiating procedure
4. Local and inter-federation negotiations shall be initiated and conducted without delay.
Labour Court
5. Any dispute that remains unresolved in inter-federation negotiations may be submitted to the Labour Court for settlement.
Section 8 Industrial peace and breaches of the collective agreement
1. All industrial action against this agreement shall be prohibited.
2. The consequences of infringing this collective agreement shall be governed by the Collective Agreements Act that is current at the time of signing this agreement.
Section 9 Validity of the agreement
1. This agreement shall remain in force until 31 January 2025.
2. After 31 January 2025 the agreement shall continue in force for one year at a time unless written notice of termination is served no later than one month before the end of the validity period.
3. The said notice of termination shall include detailed written proposals for amending the agreement; otherwise the notice of termination shall be null and void.
ATTACHMENTS to the Collective Agreement for Retail Logistics Supervisors
Pay scales
The previous pay scales were valid from 1 May 2022 to 31 May 2023.

Memorandum of dispute

Instructions for completing the memorandum of dispute
The memorandum of dispute procedure only applies to members of the Service Union United PAM working for member companies of the Finnish Commerce Federation where the employment relationship is subject to the Collective Agreement for the Retail Logistics Supervisors.
Disputes regarding the working and wage conditions of clerical employees should primarily be resolved in the workplace in compliance with the local order of negotiation set out in Section 7 of the collective agreement. Each party can avail itself of its own union’s advisory services during workplace-specific negotiations. The purpose of any support or advice that may be provided by unions is to help the negotiations to flow smoothly and identify a solution to the dispute within the workplace.
The memorandum of dispute should only be completed after a sufficiently thorough local negotiation when the parties wish to have the dispute settled at union level.
Subject of the dispute
The subject of the dispute is described in brief by way of a title, such as the requirement to pay wages during sick leave.
The agreed course of events
The undisputed facts underlying the dispute are described under the course of events. This statement accelerates the unions’ handling of the matter as it provides the handling personnel with a rapid overview of the events without them needing to request further clarification. These undisputed background details should be brought to the fore by both parties when requesting their own union’s views on the events.
The claims of the local parties, with detailed grounds
The clerical employee must present his/her own detailed demands and grounds for these demands during the local negotiations. The employer’s response and grounds for the response are reviewed during the negotiations.
Sending the memorandum to the unions
If the memorandum is not sent to the unions electronically, the parties shall deliver the memorandum with appendices to their own unions.
Employment contract